Academic Programme

Academic Programme - About - Te Aroha College

Senior Course Books 2024

2024 Course Selection Y11

2024 Course Selection Y12&13

We offer a comprehensive range of subjects and opportunities from Year 9 to Year 13. We focus on all students having every opportunity to achieve success in the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).

We also offer the opportunity for individual student extension with Scholarship and National Certificate opportunities in specialist trade and industry areas along with a wide range of other nationally recognised qualifications.

Our class sizes are small and our staff are highly qualified and able to deliver to excellence level in all of their specialist areas.

For students who show exceptional skills and strengths we accommodate multiple level study programmes including the opportunity to complete university papers.

We also offer a comprehensive support programme for students with individual needs to ensure they have every opportunity to access learning positively at every level.

We will offer a day per week of passion and interest development focused on developing holistic real world learning opportunities for our students.

Summary Review of Learning Structures for BOT November 2018

Course Selection and Information on Vocational Pathways

Class Pic Slide 3